Monday, 19 July 2010


(Känn ingen sorg för mig Göteborg, 2000)

Whoooo... Some songs about being sad, in love, and drunk. How simple can it be?

Håkan Hellström is a Swedish singer-songwriter, who in Denmark is seen a bit like Scandinavia's Morrissey. In Sweden he has by some gained the same reputation, but the majority of Swedes I know, consider him as a pathetic ugly plague, who can't sing.

Personally I think he sings fantastic, and if I was gay I would rather fuck him than any other guy in the world...

Känn ingen sorg för mig Göteborg was his debut-album, and was released in 2000, where it became a big sensation in Sweden. It reached number one on the Swedish album chart, it received amazing critical acclaim, and won several awards.

The reason why he became so popular, beyond he is simply a fantastic songwriter, has probably something to do with the fact that he's so sincere and heartfelt - much more than anyone else of his colleagues on the Top 10 charts.

Particular this album is very honest...

”Ge mig arsenik, för stan är full av tanter och tragik
Pulver hjälpte mig verkligen, skriv det här i tidningen
För jag var nere men uppe på fem
Lillebror, bli inte som jag när du blir stor
Du stod i dörren och sa, är det här allt det bli så dör jag”

“English: Give me arsenic, 'cause the city is filled with old ladies and tragedy
Powder really helped me, write this in the paper
'Cause I was down but up again at the count of five
Little brother, don't become like me when you grow up
You stood in the doorway and said, I'll die if this is all”

From: Känn ingen sorg för mig Göteborg (Don't feel no grief for me Gothenburg)

... and poetic not at least - like this phrase, which I always have found fantastic:

"Eva jag hänger mig för kärleken", "Men va inte så högtidlig - du med din dramatik och stesolid"

“English: “Eva I hang myself for love", "But don't be so solemn - you with your drama and diazepam"

From: Uppsnärjd i det blå (Tangled up in blue)

Behind him is an amazing band, which among other instruments plays exceptionally lively guitar, melodic saxophone, and wild bongo rhythms, and like no one else in the in world Håkan manages to surpass the energy from his band. Just imagine a drunken Morrissey dancing sadly around in a disco, and you pretty much got the spirit of the album.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Anthony Burgess

Friday, 9 July 2010

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

William Seward Burroughs